Add these places to your wishlist (Picture: Sunsail/Getty/

A wellness holiday is all about seeking ultimate relaxation while promoting mental health.

And given the cold climate, short days and general gloom at this time of year, it’s no surprise that searches for wellness holidays have increased by 200% in the last three months.

If any of these trips are on your 2024 travel bucket list, you’re in luck: yacht charter company Sunsail has revealed its top wellness vacation destinations for 2024.

Imagine enjoying the sun in a beautiful place far from home – with a few excursions that will never be too strenuous – in addition to yoga, massages, meditation and reading books.

Sounds pretty idyllic, right?

Katrina Lawson, head of brand and acquisitions at Sunsail, said: “These beautiful locations offer a unique blend of natural beauty and tranquility, which we believe is essential for a truly enriching wellness experience.”

These are the three top travel destinations for next year…


People love Thailand for its beautiful beaches and jungles (Photo: Sunsail)

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Kamalaya on Koh Samui is a beautiful wellness and spa retreat that offers everything from an emotional balance program to sleep retreats.

Thailand Andaman Island

Six Senses Resort, Koh Yao Noi, Phang Nga Bay, Thailand (Photo: Sergi Reboredo/VW PICS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Six Senses Yao Noi on Koh Yao Noi is also an island resort where you feel closer to nature as you are surrounded by beautiful green landscapes and hills.

Chiva-Som in Hua Hin, on the other hand, is a resort that offers a wide range of treatments, as well as a program that focuses on everything from gut health to connecting with nature.


Beach in Seychelles

Practice yoga and enjoy spa treatments in the Seychelles (Photo: Sunsail)

Peace and sunshine are at the heart of this Indian Ocean archipelago, known for its beautiful, unspoilt landscapes, beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters and vegetation. It’s easy to understand why it’s an ideal place to relax.

There are a number of luxury private resorts, many of which offer wellness options, spa treatments and yoga classes. When not learning how to live in a state of ultimate well-being, visitors can explore the rare flora and fauna of the Seychelles and enhance their blissful experience through ecotourism and nature.


The Four Seasons Resort in the Seychelles (Photo: Four Seasons)

The Four Seasons Resort uses natural and local ingredients in its spa treatments. Meanwhile, North Island, with 11 villas on offer, could be a fantastic location for couples looking for a beautiful romantic wellness retreat in a private atmosphere.

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia

St. Lucia is also one of the top wellness destinations for 2024 (Photo: Sunsail)

If you’re looking for the perfect setting for relaxation, the majestic landscape of St. Lucia should be on your bucket list.

St. Lucia has several wellness resorts that offer yoga, meditation and fitness programs.

So you can relax and enjoy refreshing waterfalls or take part in restorative spa treatments such as mud baths.

Sugar Beach, a Viceroy's resort

Sugar Beach, a Viceroy Resort (Photo: Viceroy Hotels and Resorts)

If connecting with nature and disconnecting from the world is one of your goals for 2024, Sugar Beach, a Viceroy resort, should be on your list as it is located in a UNESCO World Heritage-listed rainforest . There you can enjoy treatments made from natural, local ingredients such as coconut milk and volcanic sulfur.

Another thing to add to your list is the Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa with its relaxing atmosphere and sensational coastal views. There’s a whole range of activities to try, from yoga to volleyball, and there are five swimming pools.

Source: Metro

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