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With Nicolas Sarkozy, the young UMP “quickly felt that he was going to win” in 2007

Something was happening. In 2007, the presidential campaign was invited to the playgrounds where we mimed the small movements of the heads characteristic of Nicolas Sarkozy before changing comic register to sing Put your balaclava on by Mickael Youn. In the streets, while civil servants were pounding the pavement, there was also talk of “working more to earn more”, “of a France that gets up early”, of “Kärcher” and “scum” but also of “little Napoleon “. There was something for everyone.

“Every morning we had an operation called ‘Coffee for France who gets up early’. With a percolator, from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., we offered “a little coffee, a little Sarko!” in the street. There was this desire to go into the field, to meet people who were resolutely against it. We believe it was an easy campaign but it was a real campaign, with real differences, a real debate on the ground, ”recalls a bit nostalgic Jean-Philippe Vetter, then 24 years old and responsible for young UMP du Bas-Rhin, today municipal councilor of Strasbourg and support of Valérie Pécresse. “But this campaign is very different, this time the situation is not favorable. There are changes only in times of peace…”

“It was easy to mobilize”

“At that time, the campaigns were massive, adds Pierre-Emmanuel Gibson, first deputy mayor of Béthune (Pas-de-Calais), then responsible for the Young people of Pas-de-Calais. There were a lot of people, young and old. There was atmosphere, friendliness. Every time we went to stick or tow, we had a good time. We were above all a group of friends. It was easy to mobilize. »

In 2007, France was then preparing for a presidential election which would bring the French out of a certain “political torpor” after two terms of Jacques Chirac. “The campaign was effervescent. Sarkozy dared to challenge, he made us bring new ideas, he gave impetus, he had a new language, which I did not necessarily share, but he was the candidate of the rupture, who knew how to provoke to bring the debate, “recalls Jean -Philip Vetter. “Already in September 2006, during a simple back-to-school meeting between young UMP activists in a small office in Strasbourg, there were more than 120 people, it was crowded, some were waiting in the hallway. Former officials said they had never seen such fervor. Today, regardless of the candidate, it is very complicated to gather, ”regrets the elected official.

Words that mark

For the young activist at the time, invested in hip-hop, studying Staps and who did not have “the profile of a young classic right-winger”, this campaign was like a “unique experience” but also the opportunity to make his way in politics until he presents himself in Strasbourg municipal elections in 2020, still for the Republicans. “The starting point is this campaign with someone who has an exceptional talent for speaking, who instills the energy. Since the summer, we were not convinced that he was going to win but that he had to win. During the summer universities, Sarkozy receives us and I am convinced that he is going to have a political speech, even a politician. And he has a speech of life, ”recalls clearly Jean-Philippe Vetter, capable 15 years later of quoting the words of Sarko.

For the current mayor of Balma, Vincent Terrail-Noves, young leader of the young UMP in Haute-Garonne in 2007, going up to Paris to see Sarkozy in a meeting “forged” his commitment. “I remember there was a lot of enthusiasm, everyone had energy like the man we were supporting. Sarkozy was a stage beast. We loved what he embodied, what he wore. He wanted to reinvent the social model, the relationship to work, it was a society that was going to change. »

Same enthusiasm with the first deputy of Béthune Emmanuel Gibson. “What really struck me in Sarkozy’s campaigns was that he knew how to stage his meetings, with flags, music like a rock concert. Of all the young people with whom I was active at the time, very few of us have pursued politics. I am still in contact with some who have become mayors, deputies or departmental councillors. There are also those who were with us and who changed sides. »

“Macron has started to carry the values ​​of Sarkozy”

In 2017, after having been one of the pillars of the UMP then of the Republicans, in particular within the opposition group to the regional council of Occitanie, Vincent Terrail-Noves left his party, tired of the old guard. “Because I am not a party man, some are idolaters, others remain by electoral calculations, he tackles. I haven’t changed my convictions since, I am for creating wealth and helping those who don’t have any. Emmanuel Macron began to carry these values. “During the last regional, Vincent Terrail-Noves led a list supported by LREM, even if he is not listed there.

Remains in all these militants a melancholy memory of the meetings. With “Versailles in January 2007 and nearly 80,000 people, we felt that Sarkozy was going to win. He was different, both for the rupture he advocated, assures Jean-Philippe Vetter, whether in style, but also in his way of descending into the arena, going into battle, on the front line and to take all the hits unlike what happened before. It was a historic campaign because for fifteen years now, presidents have won by default, he is the only one to have won by membership. »

Source: 20minutes

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