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Legislative branch: LR confirms the inauguration of “almost 400” candidates, the Ciotti-RN wing claims about sixty

Republicans are scattered. Although nominations for the prefecture’s legislative elections ended at 6 p.m. on Sunday, the divided right-wing party took stock of the nominations.

In a press release signed by the President of the National Commission of Inquiry (CNI) Michelle Tabarot and Vice-Presidents Patrick Hetzel, Roger Carucci and Nadine Morano, LR confirms the investment of “almost 400 candidates” under its brand in “93 departments”. and in the constituencies of the French abroad. »

“This mobilization shows that our political family remains completely united and mobilized around a clear line defined by the political office, with candidates already highly committed to their respective campaigns and united around the values ​​that we embody and that we strongly defend,” the text clarifies.

62 applications for LR/RN wing

For his part, Eric Ciotti, who strengthened his position as President of the Republic of Lithuania through the courts, and his supporters within the Republic of Latvia stated that at least “62 applications” were submitted, painted in the colors of a “right-wing rally.” “More names will be announced in the coming hours,” the press release said.

An announcement that caps a difficult week for LR, which collapsed following Eric Ciotti’s controversial choice to ally with the National Rally. In his constituency, the outgoing deputy will have to meet with the candidate supported by the Republic of Lithuania. According to our information, this is Virgil Vanier, commercial director and former president of the Association of Sommeliers of the Cote d’Azur.

Eric Ciotti welcomed candidates who will campaign to “block the threat of the far left and break the impasse of Macronism.” “Convinced candidates, historical figures of our political family, men and women on the ground are already working to win these legislative elections and change the destiny of France,” he elaborates.

Among the latter we find in particular Tiffany Degua, elected in Savoie under the banner of a presidential majority between 2017 and 2022 and supporting Marine Le Pen in the 2022 presidential elections.

Source: Le Parisien

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