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“A dislocation is not serious, a fracture ends in surgery”, a sports doctor and a first diagnosis of Irven Ávila’s injury

“A dislocation is not serious, a fracture ends in surgery”, a sports doctor and a first diagnosis of Irven Ávila’s injury

“A dislocation is not serious, a fracture ends in surgery”, a sports doctor and a first diagnosis of Irven Ávila’s injury

When he was fine in front of goal, an unfortunate injury stopped Irven Ávila’s great start to the year. Turned into an idol of Sporting Cristal, this 2023 has unleashed heavenly joy with goals in the Copa Libertadores and Liga 1. He scored the winning goal against Huracán and appeared again against Atlético Grau in the local tournament.

However, an unfortunate move caused him to end up crashing into the advertising panel of the Alberto Gallardo Stadium, which caused him a dislocated elbow. The images in the Rimense enclosure shook football lovers.

He appeared in the 20th minute of play to score Cristal’s 1-1 win over Gray, but five minutes later in a clash with Eduardo Caballero, he lost his balance and fell on the panels. He immediately requested medical attention for the dislocated elbow that he suffered in his left arm.

For everyone’s peace of mind, Irven Ávila left the stadium by his own means, which spoke for itself that he was aware and that it would not be a fracture. However, so far there is no medical report from Sporting Cristal in this regard.

El Comercio sent the photo to the Mexican sports doctor Juan José Pérez, who works at Cruz Azul de México, to guide us on an initial diagnosis of what can happen with Irven Ávila.

“At first glance, it looks like a dislocated elbow. But to verify that it is just that, we have to do a plate, a specific study to see that there is no fracture. If it is a fracture, many times it ends in surgery and you have to put a nail in the elbow, give it rest, it can be between 6 weeks and 8 weeks depending on the type of injury that the study verifies”, began Dr. Pérez by saying what It may have happened on the arm of the Sporting Cristal player.

The fact that he left on his own means that it would not be serious. “If in case it is a dislocation of the left elbow, the recovery takes approximately a month, but there with an immobilization of the elbow you can play. If he is 32 years old, there is no problem, there age is not angry, “said the doctor.

“How do you recover from a dislocation injury? With two or three weeks of therapy, his immobilizer to be able to play with his elbow and that injury is not serious for a footballer”, says the Mexican specialist.

Some official communication from Sporting Cristal is expected to find out more details about Irven Ávila’s injury and the time he could be out of the fields. The light blue team needs him to face the Copa Libertadores next April.

Source: Elcomercio

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