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Visit to the Olympic Village, actions for refugees: Qatar is preparing a bid for the 2036 Olympics

In the race to host the 2036 Olympics, after Brisbane took over the 2032 Olympics, Qatar is preparing its candidacy. Sheikh Joan bin Hamad Al Thani, President of the Qatar Olympic Committee (COQ), also arrived on June 8 for a meeting with Laurent Michaud, director of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Village. The visit to the village also allowed the President of COQ to see the services and facilities planned for the Paris 2024 Olympics and get a clearer picture of the requirements of such an organization.

Sheikh Joan also attended the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Olympic Asylum Fund (ORF) at the premises of Paris 2024, established to support and promote sport among refugees. The meeting, chaired by Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, reviewed the progress of ongoing projects and highlighted “the importance of drawing attention to the global refugee crisis and finding ways to respond to it through sports,” the Qatar Olympic Committee wrote in a press release.

As a sign of Qatar’s commitment to this issue, the next annual meeting of the ORF Board of Directors in 2024 will be held in Doha at the request of the President of COQ. Sheikh Hoan bin Hamad Al Thani also proposed “training programs for the athletes of the refugee Olympic team”. However, the Qatar Olympic Committee denied a possible connection between his actions with the ORF and his desire to host the Olympics. “Sheikh Joan’s visit was not related to Olympic aspirations. COQ is committed to hosting the Olympic Games in the future and is in constant dialogue with the IOC,” he said in a press release without further comment.

However, Qatar’s desire to host the Olympic Games is not hidden. After setbacks in 2016, 2028 and 2032, the Middle Eastern nation is now aiming for 2036 and is looking to take advantage of the latest World Cup to convince members of the International Olympic Committee. Other countries must also compete with them: Turkey, which has already applied five times, Saudi Arabia, which wants to combine the 2030 World Cup and the 2036 Olympics, and Mexico, which officially submitted its candidacy in October last year. Egypt is also considering this. However, a decision will not be made before 2025.

However, Qatar presents a compelling case, including a near-infinite portfolio. Its Olympic committee has also learned from the first three attempts and can count on its experience in big events, including the 2022 FIFA World Cup, to give itself a chance to be lucky. Sheikh Joan bin Hamad Al Thani’s visit to the Paris Olympic Village is part of this trend. COQ wants to prove that it is aware of the problems and that it is prepared to meet expectations.

Source: Le Parisien

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