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Hospital doctors in England began a five-day strike

Thousands of doctors of the hospitals English They began a five-day strike on Thursday, a stoppage of activities of an unprecedented duration, to demand better wages in the midst of a crisis due to the cost of living.

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Auxiliary doctors, a statute similar to that of resident internal physician, they started the strike this Thursday at 07:00 (06:00 GMT) and they will only return to work on Tuesday at the same time.

It is the longest continuous doctors’ strike in the 75-year history of British public health (nhs), according to the union British Medical Association (BMA).

The stoppage occurs at a time when the government must vote for a public sector wage increase, while inflation remains at 8.7%, the highest in the G7.

In it United Kingdomauxiliary doctors represent close to half of the doctors from hospital. The statute includes from young doctors recently received to others with more than eight years of experience.

In recent months they have increased their mobilizations.

Arjan Sing, a 27-year-old doctor, sat on a picket line in front of the University College Hospital London. “He nhs it works thanks to the goodwill (of your staff) and this is the last chance to change it”he claimed.

With thousands of vacancies in the NHS, some of his colleagues are considering leaving for countries that “care about their doctors”, he added.

I think something needs to change, but I’m afraid the people, or the government, won’t listen and we’ll see a gradual erosion of the NHS that everyone loves”, said his colleague rebecca lissman29 years old.

Doctors denounce that in the last 15 years they have suffered a salary cut of 26% in real terms, since salaries have not followed the rate of inflation.

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wages under discussion

They want to recover the salary levels of 2008-2009, but the government assures that this would imply a average salary increase of 35% this year and that it is too expensive.

“We can call off this strike if the British government follows suit” of the Scottish government, which made a new offer that led to the suspension of the movement, indicated Robert Laurenson and Vivek Trivedresponsible for the BMA.

When the strike was announced at the end of June, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health considered this new mobilization “extremely disappointing” and pointed out that “Those five days of strike would cause significant disruption to patients and put other categories of NHS staff under pressure.”

The Conservative government declared itself ready to “continue discussions” if the strike was canceled and if the strikers abandoned their “insenseless wage demands.”

He nhs It is going through a deep crisis, weakened by austerity policies and the consequences of the pandemic.

According to data from BMAin April there were about 7.42 million people awaiting treatment in Englandwith just over 3 million patients who had been waiting for more than 18 months.

For their part, doctors with the status of “consultant”, more qualified, presented a strike notice for July 20 and 21.

Source: Elcomercio

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