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Paolo Guerrero on his physical condition: “It seems that my knee does not want to let me play”

The captain and all-time top scorer of the Peru selection, Paolo Guerrero, regretted after beating Chile (2-0) that his knee still does not allow him to play in full condition, although he affirmed that he felt very good after playing 60 minutes as a starter in the Clásico del Pacífico.

It seems that my knee does not want to let me play, but I am handling it calmly and patiently. For me the most important thing is to play, and in my team (International) I have not been playing. That leaves me sad“Guerrero explained at the end of the match against the Chilean team.

The striker assured that his feelings were good on the field, although the rhythm of the game led him to be replaced by Jefferson Farfán, who reappeared with the national team after also overcoming a long injury.

I felt very well. I would have liked to be at my level because we played a lot of things in this tie, but the victory leaves me very happy because it gives us peace of mind to continuer, ”he noted.

Regarding the return of Farfán, Guerrero also declared himself “very happy” because “he is a reference, a very important player whom all the boys respect a lot, with all the experience he has”.

I always talk to Jefferson about the national team. I was looking forward to returning to the national team. When he had the injury, what worried him the most was the national team. It is a fundamental contribution, and that he is with us again leaves us very happy and calm”He added.

Guerrero played 60 minutes against Chile this Thursday for Qualifiers.  (Photo: AFP)

Regarding the game, Guerrero explained that it was difficult for the Peruvian team to manage the first minutes of the game because they saw Chile “unbalanced” and they were filled with eagerness to try to score a quick goal.

I am left with the dedication of the team and the desire to win. This is a winning group that has gotten used to winning, that surrenders everything on the field. Everyone sacrifices and we are very close. There is a good group. This has been achieved through effort“Guerrero pointed out.

Unfortunately, sometimes a long time goes by without getting together and, when we get together, it takes us a little longer to adapt again.”He added.

Looking ahead to the next game against Bolivia in La Paz, Guerrero assured that they will go to Hernando Siles with their mind set on also getting the three points, without looking at the rest of the day’s results.


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