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Olympics 2024 in Paris: American athletes’ too revealing Nike suits criticized

Nike faces controversy. This Thursday, the comma brand unveiled the uniforms that will be worn by various members of the US track and field delegation at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The equipment did not convince me at all, especially the athletes. Reason? The cut is too deep for tunics designed for women. Unlike clothing designed for male athletes, clothing for women consists of swimsuits that are very tight-fitting to the bikini line and pubic area.

Anger of athletes

A number of American athletes, apparently without consulting Nike on the design of this new line, took the floor to criticize this creation and condemn the desire to favor narrowness over functionality. “They are absolutely not designed for performance.” », Reuters blamed Colleen Quingley, an American middle-distance runner and world record holder in the 4×1500-meter relay. Our bodies are different and it seems silly to expect us to compete at the highest level of our sport without a well-fitting uniform. »

Ironically, hurdler Quinn Clay suggested choosing a hair removal brand as her new sponsor, while Olympic pole vaulter Katy Moon spoke of “disturbing outfits”.

“Outfit from patriarchal forces”

But the strongest criticism came from Lauren Fleshman, a former athlete and American champion in the 5000 meters in 2006 and 2010. The 42-year-old, who was sponsored by Nike during her career, posted a lengthy text on Instagram condemning “patriarchal outfits that are no longer welcome or necessary to bring attention to women’s sports.”

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Posted by Lauren Fleshman (@fleshmanflyer)

According to the former champion, “Professional athletes should be able to compete without having to waste brain space on constant vigilance or mental gymnastics exposing every vulnerable part of their body.” She also believes that “if this outfit was truly beneficial for physical performance, men would wear it.”

Nike said athletes were encouraged to test the gear as it was created and that the complete kit included 50 pieces and 12 different styles, including briefs and shorts for track and field events, an image of the outfit worn by US 100m world champion Sha’Curry Richardson during the presentation of outfits in Paris on Thursday, April 11.

Source: Le Parisien

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