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César Cueto defends Piero Quispe: “He is a great player, the starting 10, he only needs an 8 to accompany him”

Cesar Cuetothe ‘Poet of the left-handed’, is a voice more than authorized to speak about selection and, on this occasion, he highlighted the qualities of a questioned Piero Quispe.

The Pumas UNAM attacker is called to be the driver of the red and white team in the Copa América in the United States and a historic member of the bicolor team defended him from criticism.

“They just hit him. Piero (Quispe) is the starting 10, he only needs an 8 to accompany him. By having a player with those characteristics, he will help him a lot in the brand and Piero will expose his best potential with the ball,” he told Diario Depor.

”He is a great player, but sometimes he makes a very long journey,” he added.

Peru debuts this Friday, June 21, against Chile at the start of Group A of the competition, which also includes Argentina and Canada.


EC Editorial

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Source: Elcomercio

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