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How to avoid being a victim of fraud on my smartphone?

Frauds through smartphones have increased with the pace of technology. This is because cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to deceive, as the traditional methods of mobile calls and text messages are not enough for them; but, in addition, now, they do it through applications, among others.

The theft of information stored on the cell phone such as bank details, emails, contact numbers or other confidential data, make the mobile a perfect target for cybercriminals. To avoid being a victim of it, realme, share these recommendations to avoid being a victim:

Always update your smartphone

Many security breaches occur due to the lack of updating of the operating system -OS-. By not doing this, your smartphone is not protected from virus and malware leaks. It is important to purchase Android smartphones that offer OS updates and security patches.

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Another important plugin is the OS customization layer. In this sense, when purchasing a mobile device, it is important to verify if it has additional predetermined security functions, to configure the phone in emergency situations.

Do not open suspicious messages or links

Do not accept or open SMS links of jobs, raffles, movement of your bank accounts or any similar content, always check the recipient. Cybercriminals often take to pages that look like the official ones of banks or mobile operators to steal information.

Be careful with the links you access. (Photo: diffusion)

Download apps from official stores

You must use applications from official stores such as Google Play to avoid malicious downloads that usually access the information stored on your cell phone.

Avoid compromising your data and download apps from official app stores.  (Photo: diffusion)

Avoid compromising your data and download apps from official app stores. (Photo: diffusion)

beware of ads

Some ads often open in pop-up windows or as a full screen message. In these cases, it is ideal to avoid clicking on the ads that ask you to download applications from suspicious web pages or redirect you to sites, where they ask you to fill in your data.

Eliminate or prevent access to pages that contain pop-up windows.  (Photo; broadcast)

Eliminate or prevent access to pages that contain pop-up windows. (Photo; broadcast)

Use unlock methods

The most basic recommendation is prevention, and this includes taking measures such as setting a screen unlock method using fingerprint, facial recognition, pattern or pin. Thus, in case of loss of your cell phone, they will not be able to access your personal information. Currently, we can find smartphones for sale that include facial recognition to ensure access to your cell phone.

Source: Elcomercio

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