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Meet the Marvels, magnetic robots that climb walls and ceilings like Spiderman

These small four-legged robots have been developed by researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology together with the University of Illinois. The results of this innovation have been published in Science Robotics.

The MARVEL, (Magnetically Adhesive Robot for Versatile and Expeditious Locomotion, for its acronym in English) are designed to carry out industrial activities that would pose a danger to humans.

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MARVEL can move with agility not only on level ground, but also on vertical walls and ceilings of ferromagnetic materials. In addition, it has the ability to perform precise maneuvers, such as crossing gaps, overcoming obstacles, and making plane transitions around corners.”, points out to the SINC Agency, seungwoo honglead author of the study and a researcher at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

MARVEL stands for Magnetically Adhesive Robot for Versatile and Expeditious Locomotion. (Photo: Screenshot)

The MARVEL have legs that carry a combination of a magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) and an electropermanent magnet (EPM).

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An important point is that the EPM does not need electricity to be magnetic, so it does not have much energy consumption. While, the MRE allows the robot to climb and adhere to metal surfaces.

These Marvel climbing robots were developed in Korea.  (Photo: Screenshot)

These Marvel climbing robots were developed in Korea. (Photo: Screenshot)

Source: Elcomercio

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