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Airbus would like to replace paper magazines on board its planes with digital screens

Airbus would like to remove paper magazines from its planes. For this, the European manufacturer would offer companies to bet on a digital magazine. It would be a flexible OLED screen made available to passengers, according to information from Gizmodo relayed by Capital, Saturday.

This technology would have several advantages. First, there would no longer be tons of paper magazines to print. In the same environmental approach, it will avoid throwing away a large quantity. In addition, for many airlines printing magazines is expensive, as is replacing damaged copies.

Watch movies and order food

These digital magazines will also be easy to update and will be easy to clean. Some companies have already abandoned paper magazines during the flight. Instead, they offer touch screen systems placed on the seats, rental of tablets or even application downloads. But all these alternative services require the intervention of on-board personnel, who therefore have less time for other tasks.

To develop its project of flexible screens placed in its planes, Airbus has joined forces with Royole Technology. So the digital magazine would not only be used for reading. It could also make it possible to watch films, series or shows, listen to music, browse the Internet but also order food, by including the possibility of paying for users.

In addition, the OLED screen has another advantage over the LCD screen. It is lighter, less energy intensive and its flexibility makes its use more pleasant. Airbus intends to test this new device very quickly, but it will ultimately be up to the companies to decide whether they want it or not. In the case of a positive response, then all the planes will have to be adapted. An operation that should be expensive.


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