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This is the redesign of Windows 11 Explorer that Microsoft is preparing (and is inspired by Gmail)

This is the redesign of Windows 11 Explorer that Microsoft is preparing (and is inspired by Gmail)

This is the redesign of Windows 11 Explorer that Microsoft is preparing (and is inspired by Gmail)

It was in October 2022 when Windows 11 received an update that modified part of its interface and introduced, after years of waiting, the addition of tabs. Although many have thought that it would be the only thing, the truth is that, according to Windows Central, Microsoft is working on a major redesign for its Explorer.

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According to the aforementioned medium, compilation 25276 of Windows 11which is only available to insiders, will feature two new elements: a details side panel and a new home section (with a ‘Recommended’ files section).

A detail that has surprised fans is that the toolbar has been removed and, in its place, is a search bar.

New Windows 11 Explorer interface. (Windows Central/)

Likewise, from Windows Central they indicate that there will be a “deeper integration with Microsoft 365″. What does this mean? Basically, that “users will be able to see email threads and recent comments on files shared via the cloud between multiple colleagues or email attachments.”

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New Windows 11 Explorer interface.

New Windows 11 Explorer interface. (Windows Central/)

The aforementioned medium indicates that Microsoft would be evaluating adding more modifications to the File Explorer in the future, in which a new “Gallery” stands out. In this area, the user will be able to preview the photographs by passing the mouse over them. There would also be a “labeling” function for files and folders, in the style of gmail.

New Windows 11 Explorer interface.

New Windows 11 Explorer interface.

At the moment it is unknown when these functions will arrive in Windows 11, but its premiere is expected to take place in the middle of the year, during the European summer. Another option is for these features to be seen in Microsoft’s annual update, the version 23H2.

Source: Elcomercio

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