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Mexico registers 37,063 new cases and 688 deaths from coronavirus

Mexico registered this Friday 37,063 new infections of the COVID-19to reach a total of 5,106,048 cases, in addition to 688 deaths to total 308,829 deaths, reported the Ministry of Health.

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With these data, Mexico is the fourteenth country in the world in number of confirmed infections and is the fifth with the most deaths from this cause, behind the United States, Brazil, India and Russia, according to the Johns Hopkins University count.

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The health authorities recognize that, based on death certificates, the country may be close to 460,000 deaths and they estimate that Mexico actually accumulates 5,371,887 infections.

Of the confirmed infections, there are 209,364 active cases, which have presented symptoms during the last 14 days and account for 4% of the total.

In addition, since the start of the pandemic, 4,249,493 people have recovered.

The average occupancy of general beds in Mexican hospitals stands at 44% and that of intensive care at 28%.

Unlike other countries, Mexico spent Christmas holidays without restrictions due to the pandemic. And despite the rise in infections in the fourth wave, the Government has defended its management of the health crisis in addition to the fact that it did not apply additional restrictions during the omicron attack.

On Tuesday, the Mexican government assured that “the maximum point” of the current fourth wave of covid-19, the highest in contagion figures, has passed, for which the country entered a “descent phase.”

“There are several signs that show us that we have already reached the acme point and we have passed the peak of this fourth wave of covid-19 in Mexico, dominated by the omicron variant, and we are already in the descent phase,” Hugo López declared. -Gatell, official in charge of the pandemic in the country.

Although he acknowledged that “mortality is still on an upward trend” and attributed it to people who are not vaccinated.

Also on Tuesday, health authorities reported 829 deaths, the highest number reported during the fourth wave of the pandemic in the country.

Precisely regarding deaths, Mexico City, the focus of the pandemic, accumulates about 17.5% of all deaths nationwide.

As of February 7 and until February 20, none of the 32 states in the country will be at a red epidemiological risk traffic light (maximum risk of contagion), while 15 will be orange (high risk), 13 yellow (medium risk). , including Mexico City, and four in green (low risk).


The authorities also indicated that within the vaccination program more than 168.53 million doses have been administered, adding 853,239 during the last day.

The Government of Mexico affirms that it is the seventh country that has applied the most doses in absolute numbers.

Of the 126 million inhabitants, 83.81 million Mexicans have received at least one dose of the vaccine, with which 89% of the population aged 18 and over have received at least one dose.

Meanwhile, 77.47 million have completed their vaccination schedule.

Last week, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that the country has reserves of 30 million vaccines against covid-19 for this 2022.

Since the end of December 2020, 201.3 million vaccine doses have arrived in Mexico from the American Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna, the British AstraZeneca, the Russian Sputnik V and the Chinese CanSino and Sinovac.

On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard announced that in February Mexico will receive from the Covax mechanism of the World Health Organization (WHO), 15 million doses of AstraZeneca, the drug that the country uses to supply reinforcements.

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Source: Elcomercio

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