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Biden and Zelensky agree to maintain “diplomacy and deterrence” with Russia over Ukraine

the president of U.S Joe Biden spoke on Sunday with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodimir Zelensky about the concentration of Russian forces on the border with Ukraine and agreed to insist on “diplomacy and deterrence.”

“The two leaders agreed on the importance of maintaining diplomacy and deterrence in response to the concentration of Russian military forces on the borders with Ukraine”according to a White House statement about the 50-minute phone chat.

With the West fearing an imminent Russian invasion of its neighbor, the White House added that Biden “made clear that the United States will respond quickly and decisively, along with its allies and partners, to any Russian aggression against Ukraine.”

Washington and its allies have warned that Russia it has deployed more than 100,000 troops on its borders with Ukraine.

Senior US officials on Sunday conveyed a grim picture.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the Russian invasion of Ukraine could happen “as soon as this week” and would likely start “with heavy missile strikes and bombing.

Saturday Biden He had an hour-long telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin but apparently without that contact serving to reduce tensions.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said it was “certainly not a sign that things are moving in the right direction.”


Source: Elcomercio

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