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Russia, US and UK express concern at UN over chemical weapons attacks in Ukraine

Russia, United States and United Kingdom exchanged accusations Tuesday at the United Nations about the possibility of a chemical weapons attack in Ukraine, but neither provided evidence to back up their concerns.

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The diplomats made the comments to journalists after Russia raised the issue of an ammonia leak in the besieged Ukrainian city of Sumy in the country’s northeast, blaming “radical Ukrainian nationalist groups,” during a Security Council meeting in Ukraine. the ONU. The accusation was rejected by the United Kingdom and Washington.

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Russia’s deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitri Polyanskiy, said Russian soldiers “have never planned or carried out attacks on any Ukrainian facilities where toxic substances are stored or produced.”

“It is clear that the Ukrainian nationalist authorities, encouraged by Western countries, will stop at nothing to intimidate their own people and mount attacks to accuse Russia,” Polyanskiy said.

It is the third time that Russia has raised the issue of biological or chemical weapons since it launched on February 24 what it calls a “special military operation” to “demilitarize” Ukraine. The West and kyiv reject it as a false pretext to invade a democratic country.

“It’s hard not to jump to the conclusion – given his record in the UK, in Russia against Alexei Navalny, given what we’ve seen in Syria – that this could well be a prelude to the Russians themselves creating some kind of attack.” false flag,’” British Ambassador to the UN Barbara Woodward told reporters.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield dismissed Russia’s accusations as “ridiculous.”

“Our concern is that this is a precursor to Russia’s plans to use chemical weapons,” he said.

A US defense official said Tuesday that the United States has yet to see any concrete indications of an imminent Russian chemical or biological weapons attack on Ukraine but stressed that information is being closely monitored.

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Source: Elcomercio

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