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Lula says that Zelensky is “as responsible as Putin” for the conflict in Ukraine

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva claimed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is “as responsible as Vladimir Putin” for the war, in an interview with Time magazine published on Wednesday.

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“I see the president of Ukraine on television as if he is celebrating, being applauded standing by all the parliaments (of the world). That guy is as responsible as Putin. Because in a war there is not only one culprit”, he declared. Lulafavorite in the October presidential elections in Brazil.

“He wanted war. If he did not want the war, he would have negotiated a little more, ”said the former Brazilian president.

“I criticized Putin when I was in Mexico City, saying that it was a mistake to invade. But I think no one is looking to contribute to peace. People are stirring up hatred against Putin. That’s not going to solve it! An agreement must be encouraged. But there is a stimulus (to the confrontation)!” Lula in the interview, which was reproduced prominently in the main media in Brazil and became one of the most commented topics in the country on Twitter.

The 76-year-old leader of the Brazilian left also criticized the position of the United States and its president Joe Biden.

“The United States has a very great weight and he (Biden) could avoid that (the conflict), instead of stimulating it. He could have talked more, participated more, Biden could have taken a plane to Moscow to talk with Putin. That is the attitude that is expected from a leader”, judged Lula.

The United Nations Organization (UN) also took part of the criticism.

“It is urgent and necessary that we create a new world governance. Today’s UN does not represent anything anymore, it is not taken seriously by the rulers. Everyone makes decisions without respecting the UN. Putin unilaterally invaded Ukraine, without consulting the UN,” said the former president.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the Brazilian left has adopted an ambiguous position, condemning in part the Russian invasion, but on the other hand adhering to its argument that blames the expansion of NATO (Atlantic Treaty Organization) for the conflict.

Source: Elcomercio

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