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Arrival of Joe Biden in Germany to discuss Ukraine, China and inflation with his allies

Joe Biden is once again in Europe. The American president arrived in Germany on Saturday evening, on the eve of a G7 summit where he must discuss with his allies a united front against Moscow and the new bout of weakness in the world economy.

The tenant of the White House landed in Munich from Washington and was to reach the venue of the G7 summit by military helicopter. His first interview during this three-day trip will take place this Sunday with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Then Joe Biden will attend a NATO summit in Madrid next week.

Moscow must be “accountable”

This trip comes at “a pivotal moment for transatlantic solidarity,” said John Kirby, who coordinates communication from the White House on strategic issues, on Thursday. At the G7 as at NATO, “you will clearly see how the president’s intention, from the outset, to revitalize our alliances and our partnerships has enabled us to be there” for “holding Russia to account “, he promised. The American president also intends to demonstrate to his allies that standing up to Russia and facing China are complementary, not opposed, objectives.

Washington has also set itself three main objectives for the G7: to further increase the pressure on Moscow; make concrete proposals to respond to soaring energy and food prices; and launch an infrastructure partnership with developing countries. This last point is a response to the gigantic investments of China around the world. In NATO, the Americans and their allies want to give themselves a new “strategic concept” which, for the first time, will evoke the challenges posed by China.

Joe Biden weakened in his country

The White House has so far brushed aside all Western weariness with a war in Ukraine that seems doomed to last and which also has a cost for Western populations: “We have not seen fractures and cracks” within the ‘NATO, said John Kirby. “Each country speaks, each country has its concerns in terms of what it is ready or not to do. But the alliance has never been stronger”.

However, it was a weakened Joe Biden who left the United States. Friday’s cancellation of the right to abortion by a now resolutely conservative Supreme Court illustrated the limits to its national leeway. Uncertain economic conditions and high inflation are also hurting his chances of saving the slim Democratic majority in Congress in November’s midterm elections. A conservative tidal wave would raise the question of future congressional support for new big spending plans for Ukraine, even though so far the vast majority of Republicans favor a tough response to Russia.

Source: 20minutes

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