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Silvina Batakis is sworn in as the new Minister of Economy of Argentina

The economist Silvina Batakis took the oath of office on Monday as the new Minister of Economy of Argentina replacing Martín Guzmán, who resigned from the post last Saturday, amid growing divisions in the ruling coalition.

LOOK: Silvina Batakis is appointed Minister of Economy of Argentina

Batakis took office in a ceremony at the headquarters of the Argentine Executive headed by President Alberto Fernández.

The new minister assumes her position with great challenges for the Argentine economy, besieged by multiple imbalances in fiscal, monetary and foreign exchange matters and political tensions that feed uncertainty in the markets and in the business community.

Fernández gave the new minister a warm hug, but did not speak at the event, which was attended by government officials, union and business representatives.

Batakis, an economist with a heterodox profile, has until now served as Secretary of Provinces of the Ministry of the Interior, head of the Federal Trust Fund for Regional Infrastructure and national representative before the Federal Tax Commission.

Between 2011 and 2015 she was Minister of Economy of the province of Buenos Aires, the most populated and productive weight of Argentina.

Batakis graduated in Economics from the National University of La Plata in 1993 and obtained a master’s degree in Public Finance. She also holds an MSc in Environmental Economics from the University of York (UK).

In the academic field, she is a professor of Environmental Economics at the Arturo Jauretche National University of Florencio Varela and of Public Finance at the National University of Avellaneda.

Source: Elcomercio

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