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Commission approves bill on the census in Bolivia and passes to Deputies

Commission approves bill on the census in Bolivia and passes to Deputies

Commission approves bill on the census in Bolivia and passes to Deputies

The Constitution Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of bolivian approved this Friday the bill on the census that was proposed by the official Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) and will be sent to the plenary session of the Lower House for its treatment, while Santa Cruz, the largest Bolivian region, celebrates 35 days of unemployment for the registration

The pro-government deputy and president of that commission, Juan José Jáuregui, informed the media that that body approved the bill presented by the MAS legislators, which contains a single article.

Look: The largest Bolivian region maintains a strike and insists that there be a law for the census

“The work now corresponds to the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies, the Constitution Commission considers that the work that has been carried out throughout the week has been completed and that is the result that we are sending to the plenary session”Jauregui said.

In the session, the four bills presented on the population and housing census were read and that of the pro-government deputy Deysi Choque was approved in a secret vote.

The bill has modifications and its report will be sent to the lower house for its treatment, indicated Jáuregui.

The proposed regulation indicates that with the results of the census, the distribution of tax co-participation resources will be carried out as of September 2024.

In addition, that the National Institute of Statistics (INE) will send the final data to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal so that a bill on the distribution of parliamentary seats is prepared for its application in the 2025 general elections.

The Chamber of Deputies is expected to meet in the next few hours to evaluate the proposal submitted by that commission.

Once the project is analyzed and approved in the Deputies, it will go to the Senate, where the ruling party anticipated that all the regulatory procedures for its analysis will be fulfilled, which means that the solution to the conflict over the census will not be prompt.

For his part, the representative of the Inter-institutional Committee that promoted the census in 2023, Vicente Cuéllar, considered that it is a “good advance” that the Constitution Commission send the bill to the Chamber of Deputies, but that “we have to see what happens” in that instance.

On Thursday, the national leadership of the MAS opposed its bench in Parliament approving the law on the census, since they indicated that “it is not necessary to pass a law” by having a decree with the date of the national survey, which will be next March 23, 2024.

While Santa Cruz, the economic engine of boliviancontinues its indefinite strike that has already completed its 35th consecutive day with road blockades.

Civic leaders, who finally accepted the census to take place in 2024, indicated that this pressure will continue until the census law is enacted detailing the redistribution of resources as well as the reallocation of parliamentary seats.

The Government had initially set the census for this month, but in July it was postponed to 2024, arguing “technical problems and the need to “depoliticize” the process, which caused the protest, especially in Santa Cruz.

Source: Elcomercio

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