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The European Union rejects undemocratic “attack” in Brazil and gives “full” support to Lula da Silva

The European Union rejects undemocratic “attack” in Brazil and gives “full” support to Lula da Silva

The European Union rejects undemocratic “attack” in Brazil and gives “full” support to Lula da Silva

The European Union expressed this Sunday its “full” support for the president of BrazilLuiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and condemned in the “strongest” terms the “attack” on the headquarters of the three State powers in Brasilia that were invaded today by followers of the former president Jair Bolsonaro.

“The European Union reiterates its full support for President Lula and the Brazilian democratic system and expresses its solidarity with the democratic institutions that are the object of this attack”, said the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, in a statement on the “anti-democratic takeover of Brazilian government headquarters” that occurred in the “heart of the government district of Brasilia.”

Look: Brazil: Riot police enter the presidential palace to evict Bolsonaristas

On behalf of the Twenty-seven, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy reminded Brazilian political leaders, and especially former President Bolsonaro, that “They must act responsibly and urge their supporters to go home.”

“The place to resolve political differences is within the democratic institutions of Brazil and not through violence in the streets”, Borell said.

The vice-president of the European Commission also stressed that “Brazilian democracy will prevail over violence and extremism”.

Thousands of Bolsonaro supporters invaded this Sunday the headquarters of the National Congress and successively, the Planalto Palace, seat of Government, and the Supreme Court building in the Brazilian capital.

The radicals, who do not recognize the result of the presidential elections on October 30 in which Lula narrowly defeated Bolsonaro, are calling for military intervention to overthrow the Brazilian president.

President Lula decreed this Sunday the federal intervention in the security area of Brasiliaafter the chaos caused by thousands of Bolsonaristas.

Riot police have already entered the presidential palace of Planalto, seat of the Government of Brazilwhich had been occupied, as well as the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court, retaking control of the building, which was also taken over by radicals

Lulawho was sworn in on January 1, is visiting the interior of the state of Sao Paulo to accompany the victims of the heavy rains in recent days.

as long as Bolsonaro has been in the United States since two days before the inauguration of Lula, to whom he did not hand over the position, with no official forecast for his return.

Source: Elcomercio

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