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CELAC Summit: President of Argentina accuses the “fascist” right of threatening Latin American democracy

CELAC Summit: President of Argentina accuses the “fascist” right of threatening Latin American democracy

CELAC Summit: President of Argentina accuses the “fascist” right of threatening Latin American democracy

The Argentine president, Alberto Fernández, inaugurated this Tuesday the VII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)with a harsh speech in which he accused a “recalcitrant and fascist right” of threatening democracy in the region.

“We have to work to guarantee and strengthen the institutionality of our region. (…) Democracy is definitely at risk. After the pandemic, we have seen how far-right sectors have stood up and threatened each of our peoples.”, He launched.

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“We must not allow this recalcitrant and fascist right to put the institutionality of the people at risk”held, and he referred in particular to the coup of supporters of former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro against the buildings of the public powers in Brasilia to try to instigate a coup against the recently inaugurated Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. He also referred to the assassination attempt against Argentine Vice President Cristina Kirchner last year, the motives for which are still unknown.

Fernández also asked for applause from the leaders present at the summit for his Brazilian counterpart Lulawhose presence marks the return of Brazil to CELAC after Brazil withdrew from this regional consultation forum that brings together 33 countries, by decision of Bolsonaro.

in 2020 Bolsonaroa harsh critic of the left, suspended the participation of Brazil on the CELAC alleging that “it gave prominence to non-democratic regimes such as those of Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua.”

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Consequently, Brazil did not participate in the sixth summit in 2021 in Mexico.

Precisely on Cuba and Venezuela, Fernández called for “the end of the blockades” that they are “a perverse method of sanction, not to the governments but to the towns”. “Cuba has been blocked for more than six decades and Venezuela for the same,” he added under the watchful eye of Cuban ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel.

On the other hand, the Venezuelan president, the socialist Nicolás Maduro, did not arrive at the Buenos Aires meeting. The president was denounced before the Argentine Justice by civil organizations and individuals for violation of human rights, in an attempt to have him investigated if he arrived in the country.

Maduro had a meeting scheduled for Monday with Lula, who instead kept the meeting with the Cuban Díaz-Canel on the agenda for this Tuesday within the framework of the CELAC summit.

Source: Elcomercio

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