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Vladimir Putin admits price hikes and shortages of some medicines

Vladimir Putin admits price hikes and shortages of some medicines

Vladimir Putin admits price hikes and shortages of some medicines

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putinadmitted on Tuesday the shortage of certain medicines in Russian pharmacies and the increase in their prices despite the fact that the country produces more of its own medicines.

“Lately, prices have risen in our country and there has been a certain shortage of some medicines, despite the fact that we are seeing an increase in the production of pharmaceutical products,” said the head of the Kremlin in a telematic meeting with members of the Government.

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He explained that 60% of the national market “They are already national medicines.”

putin explained this conclusion was reached as a result of a random control in retail chains and pharmacies.

The Russian president maintained that Russia it does not prohibit imports of medicines and that it works with foreign manufacturers, of which “many continue this cooperation as usual.”

“But some of them have suspended the investigation, as we see”, so it is “very important to increase our own efforts”, he emphasized.

Western sanctions exclude medicines and medical equipment, but their arrival in Russia It is made difficult by sanctions against transport, insurance and banks.

The head of the executive committee of the pro-government Popular Front movement, Mikhail Kuznetsov, said he receives complaints about the impossibility of buying medicines that require prescriptions, such as foreign-brand antibiotics Amoxiclav and Suprax, the antipyretic Nurofen, and oncological drugs such as Tamoxifen.

Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko explained to putin that the prices of the list of vital and essential medicines increased by 1.9% in 2022 and those of the other medicines have done so 10% below the inflation rate, 11.94%.

He argued that Russian production of medicines has increased by more than 15% compared to 2021, as indicated by the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Denís Manturov.

Source: Elcomercio

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