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European Commission vetoes the use of TikTok on official devices

European Commission vetoes the use of TikTok on official devices

European Commission vetoes the use of TikTok on official devices

The European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union (EU), has banned the use of the video sharing app. TikTok on personal cell phones and official devices, in a decision that the firm considered “wrong.”

Following that determination, all Commission staff has been called to remove the application from official service portable phones and devices at the latest until March 15.

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A Commission source said that the decision was promoted by the information security services of the institution to “protect the data [del personal] and strengthen cybersecurity.

The European Commissioner for Industry, Thierry Breton, told the press that the Commission ensures “cybersecurity, the protection of its employees and all those who work” at that institution, but offered no additional details.

A TikTok spokesperson immediately expressed his “disappointment” with the passage of the Commission.

We are disappointed with this decision, because we believe it is wrong and rests on fundamental misunderstandings.” the spokesman noted.

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We have contacted the Commission to set the record straight and explain how we protect the data of the 125 million people across the EU who visit TikTok every month.”, he added.

On his side, the European Commissioner for Industry, Thierry Bretonsaid that the Commission has considered cybersecurity and the protection of the data of the people “who work” in the institution.

The parent company of TikTokthe Chinese firm bytedanceis the subject of strict surveillance in Western countries on suspicion that the Chinese authorities have access to user data.

In 2022 the United States banned the app from federal government devices, and some US lawmakers are trying to ban TikTok from operating across the country.

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In November, TikTok admitted that some staff in China could access the data of European users.

sensitive data

However, TikTok ensures that it is acting to conform to the rigid rules of operation of the digital giants in the EU space.

In his reaction to the Commission’s decision, the firm’s spokesman assured that TikTok is committed to “minimizing data flows [de sus usuarios] out of Europe”.

We continue to enhance our approach to data security, including establishing three data centers in Europe to store user data locally, and further reduce employee access to that data.” he claimed.

The CEO of TikTok, Shou Zi Chewwas in Brussels in January for high-level meetings, including a lengthy interview with Breton.

Source: Elcomercio

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