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European Union condemns plans to expand Israeli settlements and calls for their revocation

European Union condemns plans to expand Israeli settlements and calls for their revocation

European Union condemns plans to expand Israeli settlements and calls for their revocation

The European Union condemned this Friday the approval the day before by the Israeli authorities of plans to build more than 7,000 homes in illegal settlements in the west bank busy.

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“This exceeds the total number advanced for all of 2022, which was a record year in terms of expansion of illegal settlements”said a spokesman for the European External Action Service (EEAS), which is headed by the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell.

In this regard, the spokesperson reiterated the EU’s position that the settlements are “illegal under international law”.

The Twenty-seven renewed their appeal to the Israeli authorities to stop the construction of settlements and to revoke these latest decisions as a matter of urgency.

Source: Elcomercio

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