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Amnesty International denounces Western “double standards” in its response to the war in Ukraine

Amnesty International denounces Western “double standards” in its response to the war in Ukraine

Amnesty International denounces Western “double standards” in its response to the war in Ukraine

Western response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine revealed in 2022 his “double standards” with human rights abuses in other parts of the world, he said Tuesday International Amnestywhich also warned of the “deterioration” of the situation in Latin America.

Its annual report on human rights in the world denounces the silence of Western countries in 2022 on the situation in Saudi Arabiathe repression in Egypt and the treatment of Israel to the Palestinians.

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The reaction to the Russian aggression that began on February 24, 2022 “It is formidable, it is a response that should be a model for other present and future crises”, the general secretary of Amnesty told AFP, Agnes Callamard.

But “exposed his own double standards” of the West and its “inconsistent response to so many other violations of the UN charter”, the report abounds.

Many countries imposed sanctions on Moscow and opened their borders to Ukrainian refugees, and the International Criminal Court launched a war crimes investigation.

This response would thus contrast with the reaction to other situations, such as the “negative” of the West to face the “apartheid system” of Israel against the Palestinians and of “attack” instead to those who denounce it.

USAwhich hosted tens of thousands of Ukrainians, expelled, for example, between September 2021 and May 2022 “more than 25,000 Haitians”, after submitting to “many of them to torture and other ill-treatment”, denounced Callamard.

As this year marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human RightsAmnesty International denounces a regression of rights in all regions of the world.

In Latin Americawe have seen a deterioration in the protection of rights, particularly the right to demonstrate, to have different opinions”, assured Callamard to AFP, citing the case of Peru.

Since the fall of the Peruvian president Pedro Castillo by the end of 2022, 54 people were killed in violent protests, according to authorities. The prosecution is investigating her successor, Dina Boluarteto assess their responsibility in these deaths.

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The report also warns of violence against women, especially in Mexicowhich recorded hundreds of femicides “facilitated by impunity”, and the discrimination suffered by Venezuelan refugees in Colombia, Ecuador or Peru.

In a year marked by the decision of the United States Supreme Court to strike down the right to abortion at the national level, Amnesty warns that this “continues to be penalized in five countries” from the rest of the continent, as The Savior.

the war on Ukraine it also diverted attention “on the climate crisis”, when the catastrophes linked to global warming seem “out of control”, adds the organization.

Source: Elcomercio

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