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Republicans threaten that they will not tolerate the “witch hunt” against Trump

A large number of charges Republican Party considered this Thursday that the imputation of the former US president donald trump (2017-2021) is a “Witch hunt” and warned that the American population “will not tolerate it”.

The American people will not tolerate this injustice, and the House of Representatives will ask (the prosecutor) to account Alvin Bragg and his unprecedented abuse of power”, said the president of the Lower House, kevin mccarthy.

LOOK HERE: What is the case of the former porn actress Stormy Daniels for which Trump has been accused

For the conservative legislator, the prosecutor “has irreparably damaged the country in an attempt to interfere in the presidential election”.

Instrumentalizing the judicial system to go against a dangerous rival is a clear danger to our country and our democracy. (Prosecutor) Alvin Bragg should focus on prosecuting crime in NYnot on running a political witch hunt”, added the also Republican congressman George Santos.

The president of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDanielagreed that this is a politically motivated decision.

When our justice system is used as a political tool, it puts all of us at risk. This is a flagrant abuse of power by a district attorney focused on political vendetta instead of keeping people safe.”, he said on Twitter.

For the conservative legislator Jim Jordanpresident of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives, what happened is simply “scandalous”, as published on Twitter.

Lauren Boebertone of the representatives of the most radical wing of the Republican Party, agreed with Santos when affirming, also on Twitter, that in her opinion the instrumentalization of the American judicial system “CAN’T STAND!”.

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For her part, the former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona Kari Lake accused the radical left and “your criminal justice system“of having crossed”all legal and ethical lines”.

In your opinion, “there is no crime” and imprison political opponents based on “frivolous politically motivated accusations” is something typical of “the dictatorships of the third world or the banana republics”.

Who has not spoken at the moment to the news is the leader of the conservatives in the Senate, mitch mcconnellthe main figure in opposition to Trump within the Republican Party and a frequent target of criticism from the former president.

The Democrats, for their part, insisted that “no one is above the law”, as stated in a statement by congressman Jamal Bowman.

Being accused of falsifying business records, in his opinion, “It’s just the beginning of accountability for your crimes”. Among them, “attempt to illegally reverse the results of the elections in Georgia and incite the insurrection of the Capitolboth in an effort to overthrow the Government to advance their fascist cause”.

The press secretary of the Democratic National Committee, Ammar Moussaalso reproached that no matter what happens in the next legal proceedings, the party will remain “under control“Trump and the MAGA, acronym for the motto”Make America Great Again” (Make America Great Again) that the former president used in his first electoral campaign and with which his faithful are known.

ALSO SEE: Grand jury votes to indict Donald Trump over payment to Stormy Daniels

We will continue to hold Trump and all Republican candidates accountable for the MAGA-leaning extremist agenda which includes banning abortion, cutting Social Security and the Medicareand undermine free and fair elections”, he added in a statement.

Trump was indicted this Thursday by a grand jury for paying to silence the porn actress stormy daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign. This is the first criminal indictment against a former US president.

Source: Elcomercio

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