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Iraq: Hundreds of demonstrators after possible desecration of the Koran in Denmark

A new mobilization of protest against the desecration of the Koran in Denmark after the arson in Sweden. Iraqi security forces dispersed hundreds of Muqtada Sadr supporters earlier this Saturday who were demonstrating in Baghdad before trying to join the ultra-secure Green Zone, home to government offices and embassies.

The nightly demonstration was sparked by press reports that seem to point to the desecration of the Quran in Denmark. On its Facebook page, the far-right movement Danske Patrioter posted on Friday a video of a man burning what looks like a Koran and trampling on an Iraqi flag.

This Saturday, AFP contacted Copenhagen Police Deputy Chief Inspector Trina Fisker, “who confirmed a very small demonstration yesterday in front of the Iraqi embassy: I can also confirm that a book was burned, we don’t know what book it was.”

Embassy of Denmark in front of the demonstrators

In response, several hundred protesters gathered in the center of the Iraqi capital after 01:00 (22:00 Moscow time) in Tahrir Square. According to an AFP photographer, they were mostly young people chanting “Yes, yes, the Quran,” and some of them were waving portraits of influential religious leader Muqtada Sadr.

Security forces cut two bridges leading to the Green Zone, but the protesters, who numbered around a thousand, tried to break through and clashes broke out as they were pushed back and finally dispersed before dawn, an Interior Ministry spokesman confirmed to AFP on condition of anonymity. According to him, the demonstrators tried to rally at the Danish embassy.

On Thursday, Sadr’s supporters attacked at night and burned down the Swedish embassy. They reacted to two rallies organized to desecrate the Koran in Stockholm, the first at the end of June, the second on Thursday. These events sparked a diplomatic crisis between Sweden and Iraq, which resulted in the expulsion of the Swedish ambassador.

Iraq and Iran condemn the desecration of the Quran

Early Saturday morning, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry condemned in a statement “the desecration of the Holy Quran and the Iraqi flag in front of the Iraqi embassy in Denmark.” “These actions provoke reactions and put all parties in a delicate position,” he warned.

However, the ministry reaffirms “its full commitment to the Vienna Convention” by ensuring that “the government of Iraq guarantees the protection and security afforded to diplomatic teams.” “We cannot allow a repetition of what happened to the embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden,” he said.

Iran also condemned the incident in Copenhagen. “From the point of view of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Danish government has a responsibility to prevent insults to the Holy Quran and everything that is sacred in Islam, and must take legal measures to punish those who offend them,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani said.

On Thursday, Paris condemned an attack on the Swedish embassy during a demonstration organized by supporters of religious leader Muqtada Sadr.

Source: Le Parisien

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