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Gaza: France and Jordan transfer humanitarian aid ‘directly to the population’

Gaza: France and Jordan transfer humanitarian aid ‘directly to the population’

Gaza: France and Jordan transfer humanitarian aid ‘directly to the population’

While humanitarian aid is just arriving in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza, Jordan and France have decided to directly airdrop food and humanitarian aid.

“The people of Gaza are in need of large-scale humanitarian assistance. All checkpoints must be opened without delay. France and Jordan have just carried out a new operation to deliver humanitarian supplies directly to the Gaza Strip,” President Emmanuel Macron said on social media on Monday. X.

Jordanian forces carried out “four airdrops of aid to the population of Gaza” on the orders of King Abdullah II of Jordan. The goal of the operation was to “deliver aid directly to the population and drop it along the coast of the Gaza Strip from north to south,” the Jordanian army said in a statement. According to her, the deliveries were made with “four C-130 aircraft, including one belonging to the French armed forces.”

The two countries had already conducted a joint operation of this type earlier this year, dropping seven tons of humanitarian aid destined for a Jordanian field hospital located in the Gaza Strip.

“Dishes with great nutritional value”

According to the text, this is “humanitarian aid and food supplies, including ready-made meals of high nutritional value, to alleviate the suffering of the population in the Gaza Strip.” According to an Amman press release, the deliveries involved “four C-130 aircraft, including one belonging to the French armed forces.”

Since the outbreak of the October 7 war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Jordan has carried out sixteen humanitarian and medical aid operations, targeting, in particular, a Jordanian field hospital in the northern Palestinian territory.

“The threat of mass starvation”

The humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate in the Gaza Strip, where the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid (Ocha) warned on Saturday of the “threat of mass famine” due to a lack of sufficient water and food supplies.

Human rights NGOs Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch on Monday accused Israel of continuing to restrict humanitarian aid despite demands from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to do everything possible to prevent genocide in the Gaza Strip. In November, Israel said it had coordinated the release of humanitarian aid from Jordan.

Source: Le Parisien

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