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Pope Francis goes to a hospital in Rome for a medical appointment due to his flu

He Pope Francis I went to today Gemelli Hospital from Tiber Island, in the center of Rome, to make a medical appointment, after this Wednesday he explained that he still had a cold and had already reported that he had the flu.

At this hospital, a branch of the center where his parents are admitted, he had already gone on another occasion to have a computed tomography (TC) when he suffered a bronchitis.

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Francisco He arrived at the center in the vehicle he normally travels in and returned a short time later, according to Italian media.

The Pope held the general audience today in front of thousands of people in the classroom Paul VI of the Vatican but he stated that he still had a bit of a cold and preferred that the catechism be read by a collaborator.

I still have a bit of a cold, so I asked Monsignor (Filippo) Ciampanelli read the catechism“said the pope who arrived in the classroom in a wheelchair Paul VI, where the hearing was held.

Nor did he read the speech in the audience with the bishops of the patriarchal church of Cilicia of the Armenians which he received before the general audience.

Last Monday, the Vatican reported that “mild flu-like symptoms, although without fever”but, as a precaution, the scheduled hearings were suspended.

The pontiff celebrated the traditional Sunday Angelus prayer on Sunday as he leaned out of his church window. papal palace and read with a clear voice in front of the thousands of faithful gathered in the St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican.

At the end of November, the pope suffered bronchitis so he had to cancel some of the events and celebrate the angelus in private and also be replaced by a collaborator to read his speeches.

To allow his recovery, the Argentine pontiff canceled his planned trip in early December to Dubai participate in the summit Climate.

But he later recovered completely and on December 8th he went to the Plaza de Spain to the traditional tribute to the Virgin of the Immaculate.

Source: Elcomercio

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