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Hundreds of Russians continue to lay flowers at Navalny’s grave

Hundreds of Russians continue to lay flowers at Navalny’s grave

Hundreds of Russians continue to lay flowers at Navalny’s grave

Hundreds of Russians continue to flock to the Borisovo cemetery in southeastern Russia. Moscow put flowers on the grave Alexey Navalnythe Russian opposition leader who was buried on Friday, two weeks after dying suddenly in an Arctic prison.

The police did not remove the metal detector and search carefully every visitor who comes to the cemetery pays tribute to the deceased politician.

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The supporters of Navalny practically flooded the tomb of Navalny with bouquets of red and white flowers, in their mainly blackheadsbut also roses.

It is prohibited to bring food or drinkalthough, according to eyewitnesses, the police presence is much smaller than the day before.

“People can enter without major obstacles. The environment is very calmthey commented.

More than a hundred people were arrested in twenty Russian cities during the funeral of the opposition leader, according to the organization OVD-Info, which protects the rights of detainees, reported on Saturday.

Although the funeral took place in Moscow, the largest number of arrests occurred in the Siberian cities of Novosibirsk It is Omskwhere up to 35 people were taken to the police station.

In the capital, 14 people were arrested, while in the capital of Urals, YekaterinburgConsidered the most liberal city in the country, a dozen people were arrested.

The funeral in Moscow passed without incident, both around the church of Mariino where the burning chapel was installed as in the cemetery of Borisovowhere the opposition leader was buried.

The mother confirmed that she chose the aforementioned temple because Navalnya confessed believer, he used to go to mass in that place, where he also baptized his son Zakhar.

The necropolis located in the southeast of Moscow had to close and reopen its doors several times on Friday due to the large flow of people who wanted to say goodbye to the opponent, who died suddenly on February 16 in an Arctic prison, where the family, his supporters and West They hold the Russian president directly responsible, Vladimir Putin.

Source: Elcomercio

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