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Colombia and ELN commit to meeting with victims of the armed conflict

He Government of Colombia and the guerrilla National Liberation Army (ELN) This Saturday they committed to holding a meeting with the victims of the armed conflict so that they can present their proposals after meeting with representatives of the victims’ movements and platforms that are part of the National Participation Committee (CNP).

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“We commit to preparing and holding a meeting where victims of armed conflict, socio-political and structural violence, territories and populations, present proposals that enrich the model, plan, recommendations for participation and its future developments”noted the parties in a statement published in X.

They indicated that victims’ organizations have generated a “very dynamic” social and political movement that, in addition to “fighting for dignity”, for the validity and expansion of their rights, “have proposals for transformations in the political regime, the economic model and political environmental”.

“We know that peace is not built on oblivion and impunity and that the voice of victims is fundamental in this process and in the legitimacy of agreements”, they added.

The Government of Colombia and the ELN concluded the most recent cycle of talks this Saturday, in Caracas, with the signing of an agreement on citizen participation in the construction of peace agreements.

“This is already a consensus at the dialogue table and, therefore, in the search for the greatest possible participation in the necessary transformations, we are advancing in an unprecedented historical process”said Rodrigo Botero, member of the Government delegation, after reading the introduction of the agreement.

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The inclusion of citizen participation represents the first point of six that both parties have established on the agenda of the peace agreements.

“This agreement is an advance and an important step towards a social and political alliance, towards a Grand National Agreement, understood as a path and a route to remove violence from politics in Colombia and resolve the multiple problems that the country faces to move forward in towards peace. ”, says the agreement.

The parties agreed not to abandon the dialogue table and ratified their commitment to bilateral compliance. EFE

Source: Elcomercio

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