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Meloni warns Putin that he cannot confuse peace with Ukraine’s submission

The Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloniwarned the Russian president this Sunday, Vladimir Putinthat cannot confuse peace with submission of Ukraineand called on the international community to continue supporting that country for as long as necessary.

Meloni made these considerations in his speech at the plenary session of the summit on Ukraine which is celebrated in Swiss and in which he described “heroic”his resistance and highlighted the international support that the Ukrainian people have been receiving since the beginning.

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Support, he said, means defending the system of rules that holds the international community together and protects all nations.

If Ukraine had not been able to count on our support and, therefore, had been forced to surrender, we would not be here today discussing the minimum conditions for a negotiation. We would just be discussing the invasion of a sovereign State, and we can all imagine – he added – what the consequences would be.”.

The Italian Prime Minister warned that confusing peace with submission, as she said the Russian President intends, Vladimir Putinit would set a dangerous precedent for everyone.

In his opinion, the Swiss summit is a bold initiative that dismantles a certain narrative or propaganda, and after it he called for continuing to join forces to help Ukraine look to the future, something he believes has been done in recent years. G7 Summit held in your country.

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Meloni addressed the Ukrainian president directly, Volodimir Zelenskypresent at the summit: “I’m here to tell you that you can continue counting on us for as long as necessary”.

We will continue to do everything possible to maintain the involvement of all international partners, who are also suffering the global consequences of this conflict. We intend – he added – to do everything in our power to make a future of peace and freedom for Ukraine a reality.”.

Source: Elcomercio

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