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Israeli ultra-legislators create a parliamentary assembly with the aim of reoccupying Gaza

A small group of legislators Israelis held this Tuesday the inaugural meeting of a parliamentary assembly “for the renewal of settlements in the Gaza strip”, which was attended by the Minister of National Security, Itamar Bev Gvir, who called for the occupation of the entire Palestinian enclave.

“We are committed to returning Linknorth of Samaria (West Bank busy) and settle there”said the far right and settler, adding that “where there are no Jews, terrorism, murders and rockets prevail”, according to Israeli media Haaretz.

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The assembly was announced on Monday by lawmakers from Jewish Power (the party of Ben Gvir) it’s from Religious Zionismalso a colonist and Ultra Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich.

Both parties are fundamental in the prime minister’s government coalition, Benjamin Netanyahualthough the president has assured that the country has no intention of reoccupying the Palestinian enclave after the war.

The Prime Minister, on the contrary, supported that Israel hold the “security control” in Link when the war ends, to avoid, he says, the resurgence of Hamas.

According to the legislators of this assembly, the unilateral withdrawal of Link in 2005 – where Israel had 21 settlements with 8,000 residentsreturning to pre-1967 borders – was a serious error that led to the strengthening of Palestinian militias in the area.

The group argues that the Government promotes a Israeli resettlement after the end of the war and the total expulsion of the Palestinians.

On January 28th, the Israeli extreme right, including 12 ministers – among them Ben Gvir– and 15 lawmakers aligned with the settler movement, held a conference in Jerusalem also centered on recovery in Link.

In December, the construction company Harey Zahav specialized in settlements in West Bankalluded to the construction of rows of seaside villas in Link when “the invaders are evacuated and the rubble is cleared.”

Source: Elcomercio

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