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Housing tax collected from children: the “error” will be corrected automatically

The Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire admitted this Thursday a “mistake” that will be corrected automatically. There have been thousands of erroneous requests for second home tax payments recently, especially to minors.

“This is not a bug in the Manage My Property platform created by the tax authorities this year, but “in fact it is a bug because the declarations arrived in error,” he admits on the website franceinfo, without going into detail about responsibilities. in this matter. Those taxpayers “generally included the names of their children on their returns, and there was undoubtedly an excess of good will on their part,” he argued.

“Of course, mistakes were made, but in any case this is not the right platform,” he insisted. According to him, these are “several thousand” errors “out of several million declarations.” “The correction will be automatic, the General Directorate of Public Finance will take care of it, taxpayers have nothing to do: when there is an error, the administration must correct it, so it will be,” he said. .

“Everything digital” is questionable

Since the beginning of the month, numerous cases have emerged of young people being asked to pay housing tax, especially for a “second home”, which would be their parents’ house. On Wednesday, national trade union Solidaires Finances Publiques blamed the “Manage My Property” campaign, which it said was largely responsible for an “almost 70%” increase in the number of second home taxes reported to tax authorities this year. comparing with the previous year.

“In some families, the tax on secondary housing goes to the name of the son or daughter, regardless of whether he is 2 years old or 7 years old! “, the union assured in a press release. From the same source, owners would also receive a council tax notice for items such as the balcony.

Solidaires Finances Publiques, which calls for more jobs, said that “the ideological dogmatism marked by the dominant idea that digital technologies can and should solve all problems must end.”

Source: Le Parisien

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