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Jesús Barco apologized to the Sport Boys fans: “Now they will only hear positive things from me”

Lima, February 6, 2022Updated on 02/06/2022 02:06 pm

The 2022 season in League 1 started last Friday and one of the leading teams was Sport Boys, who lost 2-1 to UTC, on the first date of the Opening Tournament. In the aforementioned meeting, the ‘Rosado’ team did not have some players due to physical problems, as was the case with midfielder Jesús Barco.

The 24-year-old player was not 100% fit and coach Ítalo Manzo left him out so that he can fully recover. However, the footballer has been the target of criticism from the fans of the Callao club, because he was present at a social gathering a few days ago.

The fans of Sport Boys expressed several comments against the athlete, pointing out that he had no responsibility to take care of his physique or his health, since he could get COVID-19. Faced with this situation, Jesús Barco decided to speak out and apologized, assuring that in the future he will only be the protagonist for his football performance:

This message goes to all the fans of my dear Sport Boys. Yesterday I was in a meeting at my house for the birthday of someone very important to me and there was only family and a few friends, fulfilling all the care on my day off, but taking care of myself in every aspect, because always the most important it’s my career. However, I must accept that this causes annoyance to the fans, teammates and people of the club, for which I must offer a sincere apology for what happened. This is not going to happen again and from now on only positive things will be heard about me and for the good of the team. I am very committed to the goal and I will show it”.

Depending on how his recovery stage continues, Jesús Barco could be considered for date 2 of the Opening Tournament, when Sport Boys receives Alianza Lima at the Miguel Grau Stadium (Sunday, February 13). The midfielder could debut with the ‘Pink’ shirt and nothing less than the presence of fans in the stands.

Source: Elcomercio

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