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The Israeli army reports three more soldiers dead and adds 62 victims in Gaza

The Israeli army said this Sunday that it had lost three more soldiers in the fighting in the Gaza Strip. Linkbringing to 62 the number of soldiers who have died in this enclave since the start of the war with Hamas on October 7th.

The three were reservists and died on Saturday in the north of the Strip, the army said. Israel.

LOOK HERE: Breaking news on the war between Israel and Hamas LIVE: news from Gaza, ground offensive, bombings, deaths and more

Israeli forces promised “annihilate” for Hamasin response to the surprise attack that the Palestinian Islamic movement launched on Israeli soil in October 7thand which left around 1,200 dead, most of them civilians.

Hamas also kidnapped around 240 people, who were forcibly taken to Link.

MORE INFORMATION: Israeli helicopters fired at Hamas militants and civilians fleeing a music festival on October 7 | VIDEO

Since then, Israel has bombed the Strip daily and launched a ground invasion, causing more than 12,300 deaths, according to the Hamas government in the enclave.

Source: Elcomercio

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